Bank of Finland Bulletin 5/2018
Publication dates 5 and 18 December 2018 and 10 January 2019.
(Finnish version has been published on 18 December 2018)
Vol. 92
The Bank of Finland Bulletin is published five times a year.
Rehn, Olli
Editorial Board
Newby, Elisa (chairperson)
Freystätter, Hanna
Herrala, Niko
Jokivuolle, Esa
Miettinen, Paavo
Obstbaum, Meri
Uusitalo, Petri (secretary)
The forecast was prepared by the Monetary Policy and Research Department under the direction of Meri Obstbaum, Head of Forecasting.
Authors (economic forecast)
Jalasjoki, Pirkka
Juvonen, Petteri
Kajanoja, Lauri
Kilponen, Juha
Kivistö, Jarkko
Obstbaum, Meri
Parviainen, Seija
Mäki-Fränti, Petri
Sariola, Mikko
Silvo, Aino
Vanhala, Juuso
Viertola, Hannu
Virén, Matti
Graphs and data
Björklund, Nina
Marin, Anna
Vänni, Ilona
Translated and edited
by the Bank of Finland Language Services and Communications
Subscriptions of the newsletter
The contents of the Bulletin may be freely quoted, but due acknowledgement is requested.
ISSN 1456-5870 (online)