This accessibility statement was prepared on 16 September 2020. It describes how well the website meets the accessibility criteria set out in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The guidelines have been created so that website and digital service providers can improve the accessibility of digital interfaces to best meet different situations and needs.
Based on the latest assessment, the online service is partly compliant and partly meets the Level A and Level AA criteria of the WCAG 2.1 guidelines. Partial compliance means that some features of the website, such as colour contrasts, do not fully meet accessibility requirements or do not yet fully support the use of assistive technologies, such as screen readers.
Our goal is to make our website and services accessible to all users and for that reason we are constantly evaluating and developing our site. We welcome user feedback on usability.
The accessibility of this digital service has been assessed by Crasman Oy.
Inaccessible content of the website
The content and functionalities listed below are not yet accessible in accordance with the Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019) and the WCAG. Design work to address the deficiencies is under way and we will update the list as website functionalities are renewed.
Main navigation
Main navigation does not meet all accessibility requirements. The renewal of main navigation into an accessible format is currently under way.
Text alternatives for images
A number of images in articles lack text alternatives. The text alternatives of graphs do not relate the content of the image with sufficient precision.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
1.1.1 Non-text content
Forms have deficiencies that impair their perceivability and understandability.
In the newsletter subscription form, the field labels are not linked to the fields correctly. The user is not clearly informed of a failure to send the contact form. Errors in the forms are not reported to the user or only colour is used to indicate an error. Required fields are not clearly marked on the forms. Instructions related to fields are not linked to the fields programmatically.
The form enabling an article to be distributed by email includes a robot confirmation. The robot confirmation might require from the user a verification action, for which the audio alternative is available only in English.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
1.3.1 Information and relationships
1.3.3 Sensory characteristics
1.3.5 Identify input purpose
3.3.2 Labels or instructions
3.3.1 Error identification
Article filtering form in compilation pages
Filter functions cannot be used with the keyboard and labels are incomplete. In connection with the filters, there is a submit form button, which is visually concealed. Changing the values of the filters changes the content displayed on the page without the user being informed in advance of the change.
Changes in page content caused by filtering functions are not reported programmatically.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
2.1.1 Keyboard
2.4.7 Focus visible
3.2.2 On input
4.1.3 Status messages
Buttons and links
Article highlights contain links that have no link text at all (at the image) or have link text that is not descriptive.
Pages have several links and buttons that use the same text “Close” to close different elements.
There are also deficiencies in link texts.
In buttons that open and close elements, it not programmatically indicated whether the element is open or closed.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
2.4.4 Link purpose (in context)
4.1.2 Name, role, value
The programmatic structure of tables is deficient, which impairs their perceivability. Some headers are in content cells instead of header cells. The relationships between headers and other cells are deficient.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
1.3.1 Information and relationships
The website has some content and functions where the contrast between the text and the background colour is not high enough.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
1.4.3 Contrast (minimum)
Enlarging the size of text
If an article page uses a larger text size than normal, “Related articles” covers part of the view.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
1.4.4 Resizing text
Highlight carousel on article page
Use of a highlight carousel on an article page is awkward with a screen reader and keyboard. Keyboard focus also operates on those highlights that are not visible. Carousel scroll buttons have text alternatives in English also on the Finnish side.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
2.4.3 Focus order
2.4.4 Link purpose (in context)
2.4.7 Focus visible
Article sharing functions
Keyboard focus may also operate on article sharing buttons even when they are not visible, which makes browsing of article highlights awkward. The texts of the article sharing buttons do not describe the functions sufficiently well.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
2.4.3 Focus order
2.4.4 Link purpose (in context)
2.4.7 Focus visible
Download list
The “Add to download list” button cannot be used with the keyboard. The user is not notified of changes caused by the download list functions, such as adding an article to the download list.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
2.1.1 Keyboard
4.1.3 Status messages
Go to content link at the top of page
At the top of a page, a link has been added enabling the reader to go directly to the content. The link is not visible, however, when keyboard focus is used.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
2.4.1 Bypass blocks
2.4.7 Focus visible
Focus order and focus visibility
The focus order of elements floating on the page (for example “Cookie notification” and “Related articles”) is difficult to understand. Some functions open the element on the page (for example “Download List” and the newsletter subscription window), but keyboard focus does not move to the opening element in all browser programs. If the viewer navigates away from an element, the focus moves illogically to the bottom of the page.
When using the website with the keyboard, the focus is not always visible. For example, there are deficiencies in article content and in the “Close” buttons of elements that open on the page.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
2.4.3 Focus order
2.4.7 Focus visible
PDF documents
Pdf documents on the website do not meet all accessibility requirements.
Accessibility requirements that are not met
1.1.1 Non-text content
1.3.1 Information and relationships
Have you noticed an accessibility deficiency in our digital service?
Let us know about it by sending an email to info(at), and we will do our best to correct the deficiency.
Supervisory authority
If you notice accessibility problems on our website, please first send your feedback to us, namely the webmaster. We aim to respond within 14 days. If you not satisfied with the response you receive or you do not receive a response from us within two weeks, you may file a complaint with the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.
Contact information of the supervisory authority
Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom
Digital Accessibility Supervision Unit
telephone switchboard 029 534 5000